#!/bin/bash set -e echo "*******************************" echo "** rollout singleuser queries**" echo "*******************************" PWD=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) parentPWD="$(dirname "$PWD")" source $PWD/../functions.sh GEN_DATA_SCALE=$1 EXPLAIN_ANALYZE=$2 RANDOM_DISTRIBUTION=$3 MULTI_USER_COUNT=$4 SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS=$5 VERSION=$6 UTIL=$7 if [[ "$GEN_DATA_SCALE" == "" || "$EXPLAIN_ANALYZE" == "" || "$RANDOM_DISTRIBUTION" == "" || "$MULTI_USER_COUNT" == "" || "$SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS" == "" || "$VERSION" == "" ]]; then echo "You must provide the scale as a parameter in terms of Gigabytes, true/false to run queries with EXPLAIN ANALYZE option, true/false to use random distrbution, multi-user count, the number of sql iterations, and the name of the database under test." echo "Example: ./rollout.sh 100 false false 5 1 exasol" exit 1 fi step=sql init_log $step # Anlegen eines neuen log files für jeden durchgeführten Lauf. if [ -f $parentPWD/log/single_run_log.01.txt ]; then count=$(ls $parentPWD/log | grep 'single_run_log' | wc -l) count=$((count+1)) if [ "${#count}" == 1 ]; then touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_log.0$count.txt logfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_log.0$count.txt touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.0$count.txt ressourcelogfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.0$count.txt else touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_log.$count.txt logfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_log.$count.txt touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.$count.txt ressourcelogfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.$count.txt fi else touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_log.01.txt logfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_log.01.txt touch $parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.01.txt ressourcelogfile=$parentPWD/log/single_run_ressource_log.01.txt fi # Logging der beanspruchten Ressourcen. Pid wird benutzt um später den Prozess beenden zu können. top -b -d 1 logging_pid=$(docker stats > $ressourcelogfile & echo $!) touch $parentPWD/log/single_user_runtime.txt TOTAL_START=$(date +%s%N) # Einzelnes Ausführen der Queries und loggen der benötigten Zeit. if [ "$VERSION" == "postgresql" ] || [ "$VERSION" == "gpdb" ]; then for x in $(seq 1 $SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS); do for i in $(ls $PWD/*.tpch.*.sql); do id=`echo $i | awk -F '.' '{print $3}'` start_log echo "Executing query $id" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) psql -h localhost -p 5439 -U p -d benchmark -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -A -q -t -P pager=off -f $i >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile done done elif [ "$VERSION" == "exasol" ]; then for x in $(seq 1 $SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS); do for i in $(ls $PWD/*.tpch.*.sql); do id=`echo $i | awk -F '.' '{print $3}'` start_log echo "Executing query $id" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) $parentPWD/EXAplus-7.1.2/exaplus -c localhost/$UTIL:8563 -u sys -p exasol -q -f $i >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile done done elif [ "$VERSION" == "ignite" ]; then for x in $(seq 1 $SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS); do for i in $(ls $PWD/*.tpch.*.sql); do id=`echo $i | awk -F '.' '{print $3}'` # ignite can't use views and can't execute transformed query either if [ $id == 13 ] || [ $id == 16 ] || [ $id == 19 ] || [ $id == 20 ] || [ $id == 22 ]; then echo "skip $id" else start_log echo "Executing query $id" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) source $PWD/../apache-ignite-2.11.0-bin/bin/sqlline.sh -u jdbc:ignite:thin:// -n ignite -p ignite --run=$i >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile fi done done elif [ "$VERSION" == "cratedb" ]; then # Bei den CrateDB queries wurden jeweils ein Limit eingebaut, da bei langen Ergebnissen das Ausgeben sehr lange dauert. for x in $(seq 1 $SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS); do for i in $(ls $PWD/*.tpch.*.sql); do if ! grep -q ::timestamp "$i"; then # Einfügen von :: vor timestamp und interval, weil der Query-Generator :: als flag betrachtet zum Einfügen von Werten und diese entfernt. # (Es werden keine Werte an diesen Stellen eingefügt, weil noch eine Zahl dahinter fehlt, also ::1, ::2, ...) sed -i -- 's/timestamp/::timestamp/g; s/interval/::interval/g' $i # Entfernt Kommentar Zeilen (starten mit --), weil CrateDB damit nicht umgehen kann. sed -i '/^--/d' $i fi id=`echo $i | awk -F '.' '{print $3}'` # CrateDB kann nicht mehrere Anweisungen auf einen Schlag ausführen, es müssen drei einzelne Anweisungen für Query 15 abgesetzt werden. # 02 syntax # 05 nach 30 min abgebrochen # 06 nach 30 min abgebrochen # 17 kann nicht mit syntax umgehen # 19 nach 30 min abgebrochen # 20 kann nicht mit syntax umgehen # kann nicht mit exists umgehen if [ $id == 02 ] || [ $id == 05 ] || [ $id == 07 ] || [ $id == 09 ] || [ $id == 13 ] || [ $id == 17 ] || [ $id == 19 ] || [ $id == 20 ] || [ $id == 21 ]; then # || [ $id == 03 ] || [ $id == 10 ] || [ $id == 04 ] || [ $id == 08 ] || [ $id == 12 ] || [ $id == 16 ]; then echo "skip $id" elif [ $id == 15 ]; then start_log echo "Executing query $id special" query_view=$(cat $i) query_query=$(cat $parentPWD/cratedb_query_15/query_15.sql) query_delete=$(cat $parentPWD/cratedb_query_15/delete_view_15.sql) echo "$query_view" echo "$query_query" echo "$query_delete" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) $parentPWD/crash-cli/crash --hosts "localhost:$UTIL" -c "$query_view" >> $logfile $parentPWD/crash-cli/crash --hosts "localhost:$UTIL" -c "$query_query" >> $logfile $parentPWD/crash-cli/crash --hosts "localhost:$UTIL" -c "$query_delete" >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile else start_log echo "Executing query $id" query=$(cat $i) echo "$query" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) $parentPWD/crash-cli/crash --hosts "localhost:$UTIL" -c "$query" >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile fi done done elif [ "$VERSION" == "mariadbcs" ]; then for x in $(seq 1 $SINGLE_USER_ITERATIONS); do for i in $(ls $PWD/*.tpch.*.sql); do id=`echo $i | awk -F '.' '{print $3}'` start_log if [ $id == 02 ] || [ $id == 05 ] || [ $id == 17 ] || [ $id == 19 ]; then echo "skip $id" else echo "Executing query $id" STARTTIME=$(date +%s%N) mariadb --protocol tcp --host localhost -u nsc --password=mariadbcs < $i >> $logfile ENDTIME=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete task $id." >> $logfile echo "Elapsed: $((($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)/1000000))" >> $logfile fi done done else echo "ERROR: Unsupported VERSION $VERSION!" exit 1 fi TOTAL_END=$(date +%s%N) echo "It takes $((($TOTAL_END - $TOTAL_START)/1000000)) milliseconds to complete single user run" >> $parentPWD/log/single_user_runtime.txt kill -9 $logging_pid end_step $step