/* * $Id: rng64.c,v 1.7 2008/03/21 17:38:39 jms Exp $ * * This software contains proprietary and confidential information of Gradient * Systems Inc. By accepting transfer of this copy, Recipient agrees * to retain this software in confidence, to prevent disclosure to others, and * to make no use of this software other than that for which it was delivered. * This is an unpublished copyright work Gradient Systems, Inc. Execpt as * permitted by federal law, 17 USC 117, copying is strictly prohibited. * * Gradient Systems Inc. CONFIDENTIAL - (Gradient Systems Inc. Confidential * when combined with the aggregated modules for this product) * OBJECT CODE ONLY SOURCE MATERIALS * (C) COPYRIGHT Gradient Systems Inc. 2003 * * All Rights Reserved * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF GRADIENT SYSTEMS, INC. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * * Revision History * =================== * $Log: rng64.c,v $ * Revision 1.7 2008/03/21 17:38:39 jms * changes for 2.6.3 * * Revision 1.6 2006/04/26 23:20:05 jms * Data type clenaup for qgen * * Revision 1.5 2006/03/08 21:25:27 jms * change to RNG64 to address overflow/underflow issues * * Revision 1.4 2005/10/25 17:26:38 jms * check in integration between microsoft changes and baseline code * * Revision 1.3 2005/03/04 19:48:39 jms * Changes from Doug Johnson to address very large scale factors * * Revision 1.2 2005/01/03 20:08:59 jms * change line terminations * * Revision 2004/11/24 23:31:47 jms * re-establish external server * * Revision 1.2 2004/02/18 16:45:30 jms * remove C++ style comments for AIX compiler * * Revision 2003/08/08 21:57:34 jms * recreation after CVS crash * * Revision 1.1 2003/08/08 21:57:34 jms * first integration of rng64 for o_custkey and l_partkey * */ #include "config.h" #include "dss.h" #include #include #include "rng64.h" extern double dM; extern seed_t Seed[]; void dss_random64(DSS_HUGE *tgt, DSS_HUGE nLow, DSS_HUGE nHigh, long nStream) { DSS_HUGE nTemp; if (nStream < 0 || nStream > MAX_STREAM) nStream = 0; if (nLow > nHigh) { nTemp = nLow; nLow = nHigh; nHigh = nTemp; } Seed[nStream].value = NextRand64(Seed[nStream].value); nTemp = Seed[nStream].value; if (nTemp < 0) nTemp = -nTemp; nTemp %= (nHigh - nLow + 1); *tgt = nLow + nTemp; Seed[nStream].usage += 1; #ifdef RNG_TEST Seed[nStream].nCalls += 1; #endif return; } DSS_HUGE NextRand64(DSS_HUGE nSeed){ DSS_HUGE a = (unsigned DSS_HUGE) RNG_A; DSS_HUGE c = (unsigned DSS_HUGE) RNG_C; nSeed = (nSeed * a + c); /* implicitely truncated to 64bits */ return (nSeed); } DSS_HUGE AdvanceRand64( DSS_HUGE nSeed, DSS_HUGE nCount) { unsigned DSS_HUGE a = RNG_A ; unsigned DSS_HUGE c = RNG_C ; int nBit; unsigned DSS_HUGE Apow=a, Dsum=c; /* if nothing to do, do nothing ! */ if( nCount == 0 ) return nSeed; /* Recursively compute X(n) = A * X(n-1) + C */ /* */ /* explicitely: */ /* X(n) = A^n * X(0) + { A^(n-1) + A^(n-2) + ... A + 1 } * C */ /* */ /* we write this as: */ /* X(n) = Apow(n) * X(0) + Dsum(n) * C */ /* */ /* we use the following relations: */ /* Apow(n) = A^(n%2)*Apow(n/2)*Apow(n/2) */ /* Dsum(n) = (n%2)*Apow(n/2)*Apow(n/2) + (Apow(n/2) + 1) * Dsum(n/2) */ /* */ /* first get the highest non-zero bit */ for( nBit = 0; (nCount >> nBit) != RNG_C ; nBit ++){} /* go 1 bit at the time */ while( --nBit >= 0 ) { Dsum *= (Apow + 1); Apow = Apow * Apow; if( ((nCount >> nBit) % 2) == 1 ) { /* odd value */ Dsum += Apow; Apow *= a; } } nSeed = nSeed * Apow + Dsum * c; return nSeed; }