/* * $Id: qgen.c,v 1.3 2005/10/28 02:54:35 jms Exp $ * * Revision History * =================== * $Log: qgen.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 2005/10/28 02:54:35 jms * add release.h changes * * Revision 1.2 2005/01/03 20:08:59 jms * change line terminations * * Revision 2004/11/24 23:31:47 jms * re-establish external server * * Revision 2003/04/03 18:54:21 jms * recreation after CVS crash * * Revision 2003/04/03 18:54:21 jms * initial checkin * * */ /* * qgen.c -- routines to convert query templates to executable query * text for TPC-H and TPC-R */ #define DECLARER #include #include #if (defined(_POSIX_)||!defined(WIN32)) #include #else #include "process.h" #endif /* WIN32 */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "dss.h" #include "tpcd.h" #include "permute.h" #include "release.h" #define LINE_SIZE 512 /* * Function Protoypes */ void varsub PROTO((int qnum, int vnum, int flags)); int strip_comments PROTO((char *line)); void usage PROTO((void)); int process_options PROTO((int cnt, char **args)); int setup PROTO((void)); void qsub PROTO((char *qtag, int flags)); extern char *optarg; extern int optind; char **mk_ascdate(void); extern seed_t Seed[]; char **asc_date; int snum = -1; char *prog; tdef tdefs = { NULL }; long rndm; double flt_scale; distribution q13a, q13b; int qnum; char *db_name = NULL; /* * FUNCTION strip_comments(line) * * remove all comments from 'line'; recognizes both {} and -- comments */ int strip_comments(char *line) { static int in_comment = 0; char *cp1, *cp2; cp1 = line; while (1) /* traverse the entire string */ { if (in_comment) { if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1, '}')) != NULL) /* comment ends */ { strcpy(cp1, cp2 + 1); in_comment = 0; continue; } else { *cp1 = '\0'; break; } } else /* not in_comment */ { if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1, '-')) != NULL) { if (*(cp2 + 1) == '-') /* found a '--' comment */ { *cp2 = '\0'; break; } } if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1, '{')) != NULL) /* comment starts */ { in_comment = 1; *cp2 = ' '; continue; } else break; } } return(0); } /* * FUNCTION qsub(char *qtag, int flags) * * based on the settings of flags, and the template file $QDIR/qtag.sql * make the following substitutions to turn a query template into EQT * * String Converted to Based on * ====== ============ =========== * first line database ; -n from command line * second line set explain on; -x from command line * : parameter * :k set number * :o output to outpath/qnum.snum * -o from command line, SET_OUTPUT * :s stream number * :b BEGIN WORK; -a from command line, START_TRAN * :e COMMIT WORK; -a from command line, END_TRAN * :q query number * :n sets rowcount to be returned */ void qsub(char *qtag, int flags) { static char *line = NULL, *qpath = NULL; FILE *qfp; char *cptr, *mark, *qroot = NULL; qnum = atoi(qtag); if (line == NULL) { line = malloc(BUFSIZ); qpath = malloc(BUFSIZ); MALLOC_CHECK(line); MALLOC_CHECK(qpath); } qroot = env_config(QDIR_TAG, QDIR_DFLT); sprintf(qpath, "%s%c%s.sql", qroot, PATH_SEP, qtag); qfp = fopen(qpath, "r"); OPEN_CHECK(qfp, qpath); rowcnt = rowcnt_dflt[qnum]; varsub(qnum, 0, flags); /* set the variables */ if (flags & DFLT_NUM) fprintf(ofp, SET_ROWCOUNT, rowcnt); while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, qfp) != NULL) { if (!(flags & COMMENT)) strip_comments(line); mark = line; while ((cptr = strchr(mark, VTAG)) != NULL) { *cptr = '\0'; cptr++; fprintf(ofp,"%s", mark); switch(*cptr) { case 'b': case 'B': if (!(flags & ANSI)) fprintf(ofp,"%s\n", START_TRAN); cptr++; break; case 'c': case 'C': if (flags & DBASE) fprintf(ofp, SET_DBASE, db_name); cptr++; break; case 'e': case 'E': if (!(flags & ANSI)) fprintf(ofp,"%s\n", END_TRAN); cptr++; break; case 'n': case 'N': if (!(flags & DFLT_NUM)) { rowcnt=atoi(++cptr); while (isdigit(*cptr) || *cptr == ' ') cptr++; fprintf(ofp, SET_ROWCOUNT, rowcnt); } continue; case 'o': case 'O': if (flags & OUTPUT) fprintf(ofp,"%s '%s/%s.%d'", SET_OUTPUT, osuff, qtag, (snum < 0)?0:snum); cptr++; break; case 'q': case 'Q': fprintf(ofp,"%s", qtag); cptr++; break; case 's': case 'S': fprintf(ofp,"%d", (snum < 0)?0:snum); cptr++; break; case 'X': case 'x': if (flags & EXPLAIN) fprintf(ofp, "%s\n", GEN_QUERY_PLAN); cptr++; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': varsub(qnum, atoi(cptr), flags & DFLT); while (isdigit(*++cptr)); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "-- unknown flag '%c%c' ignored\n", VTAG, *cptr); cptr++; break; } mark=cptr; } fprintf(ofp,"%s", mark); } fclose(qfp); fflush(stdout); return; } void usage(void) { printf("%s Parameter Substitution (v. %d.%d.%d build %d)\n", NAME, VERSION,RELEASE, PATCH,BUILD); printf("Copyright %s %s\n", TPC, C_DATES); printf("USAGE: %s [ queries ]\n", prog); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-a\t\t-- use ANSI semantics.\n"); printf("\t-b \t-- load distributions from \n"); printf("\t-c\t\t-- retain comments found in template.\n"); printf("\t-d\t\t-- use default substitution values.\n"); printf("\t-h\t\t-- print this usage summary.\n"); printf("\t-i \t-- use the contents of file to begin a query.\n"); printf("\t-l \t-- log parameters to .\n"); printf("\t-n \t-- connect to database .\n"); printf("\t-N\t\t-- use default rowcounts and ignore :n directive.\n"); printf("\t-o \t-- set the output file base path to .\n"); printf("\t-p \t\t-- use the query permutation for stream \n"); printf("\t-r \t\t-- seed the random number generator with \n"); printf("\t-s \t\t-- base substitutions on an SF of \n"); printf("\t-v\t\t-- verbose.\n"); printf("\t-t \t-- use the contents of file to complete a query\n"); printf("\t-x\t\t-- enable SET EXPLAIN in each query.\n"); } int process_options(int cnt, char **args) { int flag; while((flag = getopt(cnt, args, "ab:cdhi:n:Nl:o:p:r:s:t:vx")) != -1) switch(flag) { case 'a': /* use ANSI semantics */ flags |= ANSI; break; case 'b': /* load distributions from named file */ d_path = (char *)malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(d_path); strcpy(d_path, optarg); break; case 'c': /* retain comments in EQT */ flags |= COMMENT; break; case 'd': /* use default substitution values */ flags |= DFLT; break; case 'h': /* just generate the usage summary */ usage(); exit(0); break; case 'i': /* set stream initialization file name */ ifile = malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(ifile); strcpy(ifile, optarg); flags |= INIT; break; case 'l': /* log parameter usages */ lfile = malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(lfile); strcpy(lfile, optarg); flags |= LOG; break; case 'N': /* use default rowcounts */ flags |= DFLT_NUM; break; case 'n': /* set database name */ db_name = malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(db_name); strcpy(db_name, optarg); flags |= DBASE; break; case 'o': /* set the output path */ osuff = malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(osuff); strcpy(osuff, optarg); flags |=OUTPUT; break; case 'p': /* permutation for a given stream */ snum = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': /* set random number seed for parameter gen */ flags |= SEED; rndm = atol(optarg); break; case 's': /* scale of data set to run against */ flt_scale = atof(optarg); if (scale > MAX_SCALE) fprintf(stderr, "%s %5.0f %s\n%s\n", "WARNING: Support for scale factors >", MAX_SCALE, "GB is still in development.", "Data set integrity is not guaranteed.\n"); break; case 't': /* set termination file name */ tfile = malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(tfile); strcpy(tfile, optarg); flags |= TERMINATE; break; case 'v': /* verbose */ flags |= VERBOSE; break; case 'x': /* set explain in the queries */ flags |= EXPLAIN; break; default: printf("unknown option '%s' ignored\n", args[optind]); usage(); exit(1); break; } return(0); } int setup(void) { asc_date = mk_ascdate(); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "p_cntr", &p_cntr_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "colors", &colors); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "p_types", &p_types_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "nations", &nations); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "nations2", &nations2); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "regions", ®ions); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "o_oprio", &o_priority_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "instruct", &l_instruct_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "smode", &l_smode_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "category", &l_category_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "rflag", &l_rflag_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "msegmnt", &c_mseg_set); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "Q13a", &q13a); read_dist(env_config(DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "Q13b", &q13b); return(0); } int main(int ac, char **av) { int i; FILE *ifp; char line[LINE_SIZE]; prog = av[0]; flt_scale = (double)1.0; flags = 0; d_path = NULL; process_options(ac, av); if (flags & VERBOSE) fprintf(ofp, "-- TPC %s Parameter Substitution (Version %d.%d.%d build %d)\n", NAME, VERSION, RELEASE, PATCH, BUILD); setup(); if (!(flags & DFLT)) /* perturb the RNG */ { if (!(flags & SEED)) rndm = (long)((unsigned)time(NULL)); if (rndm < 0) rndm += 2147483647; Seed[0].value = rndm; for (i=1; i <= QUERIES_PER_SET; i++) { Seed[0].value = NextRand(Seed[0].value); Seed[i].value = Seed[0].value; } printf("-- using %ld as a seed to the RNG\n", rndm); } else printf("-- using default substitutions\n"); if (flags & INIT) /* init stream with ifile */ { ifp = fopen(ifile, "r"); OPEN_CHECK(ifp, ifile); while (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, ifp) != NULL) fprintf(stdout, "%s", line); } if (snum >= 0) if (optind < ac) for (i=optind; i < ac; i++) { char qname[10]; sprintf(qname, "%d", SEQUENCE(snum, atoi(av[i]))); qsub(qname, flags); } else for (i=1; i <= QUERIES_PER_SET; i++) { char qname[10]; sprintf(qname, "%d", SEQUENCE(snum, i)); qsub(qname, flags); } else if (optind < ac) for (i=optind; i < ac; i++) qsub(av[i], flags); else for (i=1; i <= QUERIES_PER_SET; i++) { char qname[10]; sprintf(qname, "%d", i); qsub(qname, flags); } if (flags & TERMINATE) /* terminate stream with tfile */ { ifp = fopen(tfile, "r"); if (ifp == NULL) OPEN_CHECK(ifp, tfile); while (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, ifp) != NULL) fprintf(stdout, "%s", line); } return(0); }