/* * $Id: driver.c,v 1.7 2008/09/24 22:35:21 jms Exp $ * * Revision History * =================== * $Log: driver.c,v $ * Revision 1.7 2008/09/24 22:35:21 jms * remove build number header * * Revision 1.6 2008/09/24 22:30:29 jms * remove build number from default header * * Revision 1.5 2008/03/21 17:38:39 jms * changes for 2.6.3 * * Revision 1.4 2006/04/26 23:01:10 jms * address update generation problems * * Revision 1.3 2005/10/28 02:54:35 jms * add release.h changes * * Revision 1.2 2005/01/03 20:08:58 jms * change line terminations * * Revision 2004/11/24 23:31:46 jms * re-establish external server * * Revision 1.5 2004/04/07 20:17:29 jms * bug #58 (join fails between order/lineitem) * * Revision 1.4 2004/02/18 16:26:49 jms * 32/64 bit changes for overflow handling needed additional changes when ported back to windows * * Revision 1.3 2004/01/22 05:49:29 jms * AIX porting (AIX 5.1) * * Revision 1.2 2004/01/22 03:54:12 jms * 64 bit support changes for customer address * * Revision 2003/08/08 21:50:33 jms * recreation after CVS crash * * Revision 1.3 2003/08/08 21:35:26 jms * first integration of rng64 for o_custkey and l_partkey * * Revision 1.2 2003/08/07 17:58:34 jms * Convery RNG to 64bit space as preparation for new large scale RNG * * Revision 2003/04/03 18:54:21 jms * initial checkin * * */ /* main driver for dss banchmark */ #define DECLARER /* EXTERN references get defined here */ #define NO_FUNC (int (*) ()) NULL /* to clean up tdefs */ #define NO_LFUNC (long (*) ()) NULL /* to clean up tdefs */ #include "config.h" #include "release.h" #include #if (defined(_POSIX_)||!defined(WIN32)) /* Change for Windows NT */ #include #include #endif /* WIN32 */ #include /* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HP #include #endif #if (defined(WIN32)&&!defined(_POSIX_)) #include #pragma warning(disable:4201) #pragma warning(disable:4214) #pragma warning(disable:4514) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define NOATOM #define NOGDICAPMASKS #define NOMETAFILE #define NOMINMAX #define NOMSG #define NOOPENFILE #define NORASTEROPS #define NOSCROLL #define NOSOUND #define NOSYSMETRICS #define NOTEXTMETRIC #define NOWH #define NOCOMM #define NOKANJI #define NOMCX #include #pragma warning(default:4201) #pragma warning(default:4214) #endif #include "dss.h" #include "dsstypes.h" /* * Function prototypes */ void usage (void); void kill_load (void); int pload (int tbl); void gen_tbl (int tnum, DSS_HUGE start, DSS_HUGE count, long upd_num); int pr_drange (int tbl, DSS_HUGE min, DSS_HUGE cnt, long num); int set_files (int t, int pload); int partial (int, int); extern int optind, opterr; extern char *optarg; DSS_HUGE rowcnt = 0, minrow = 0; long upd_num = 0; double flt_scale; #if (defined(WIN32)&&!defined(_POSIX_)) char *spawn_args[25]; #endif #ifdef RNG_TEST extern seed_t Seed[]; #endif static int bTableSet = 0; /* * general table descriptions. See dss.h for details on structure * NOTE: tables with no scaling info are scaled according to * another table * * * the following is based on the tdef structure defined in dss.h as: * typedef struct * { * char *name; -- name of the table; * flat file output in .tbl * long base; -- base scale rowcount of table; * 0 if derived * int (*loader) (); -- function to present output * long (*gen_seed) (); -- functions to seed the RNG * int child; -- non-zero if there is an associated detail table * unsigned long vtotal; -- "checksum" total * } tdef; * */ /* * flat file print functions; used with -F(lat) option */ int pr_cust (customer_t * c, int mode); int pr_line (order_t * o, int mode); int pr_order (order_t * o, int mode); int pr_part (part_t * p, int mode); int pr_psupp (part_t * p, int mode); int pr_supp (supplier_t * s, int mode); int pr_order_line (order_t * o, int mode); int pr_part_psupp (part_t * p, int mode); int pr_nation (code_t * c, int mode); int pr_region (code_t * c, int mode); /* * seed generation functions; used with '-O s' option */ long sd_cust (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_line (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_order (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_part (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_psupp (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_supp (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_order_line (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); long sd_part_psupp (int child, DSS_HUGE skip_count); tdef tdefs[] = { {"part.tbl", "part table", 200000, pr_part, sd_part, PSUPP, 0}, {"partsupp.tbl", "partsupplier table", 200000, pr_psupp, sd_psupp, NONE, 0}, {"supplier.tbl", "suppliers table", 10000, pr_supp, sd_supp, NONE, 0}, {"customer.tbl", "customers table", 150000, pr_cust, sd_cust, NONE, 0}, {"orders.tbl", "order table", 150000, pr_order, sd_order, LINE, 0}, {"lineitem.tbl", "lineitem table", 150000, pr_line, sd_line, NONE, 0}, {"orders.tbl", "orders/lineitem tables", 150000, pr_order_line, sd_order, LINE, 0}, {"part.tbl", "part/partsupplier tables", 200000, pr_part_psupp, sd_part, PSUPP, 0}, {"nation.tbl", "nation table", NATIONS_MAX, pr_nation, NO_LFUNC, NONE, 0}, {"region.tbl", "region table", NATIONS_MAX, pr_region, NO_LFUNC, NONE, 0}, }; /* * re-set default output file names */ int set_files (int i, int pload) { char line[80], *new_name; if (table & (1 << i)) child_table: { if (pload != -1) sprintf (line, "%s.%d", tdefs[i].name, pload); else { printf ("Enter new destination for %s data: ", tdefs[i].name); if (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin) == NULL) return (-1);; if ((new_name = strchr (line, '\n')) != NULL) *new_name = '\0'; if ((int)strlen (line) == 0) return (0); } new_name = (char *) malloc ((int)strlen (line) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK (new_name); strcpy (new_name, line); tdefs[i].name = new_name; if (tdefs[i].child != NONE) { i = tdefs[i].child; tdefs[i].child = NONE; goto child_table; } } return (0); } /* * read the distributions needed in the benchamrk */ void load_dists (void) { read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "p_cntr", &p_cntr_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "colors", &colors); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "p_types", &p_types_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "nations", &nations); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "regions", ®ions); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "o_oprio", &o_priority_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "instruct", &l_instruct_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "smode", &l_smode_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "category", &l_category_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "rflag", &l_rflag_set); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "msegmnt", &c_mseg_set); /* load the distributions that contain text generation */ read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "nouns", &nouns); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "verbs", &verbs); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "adjectives", &adjectives); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "adverbs", &adverbs); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "auxillaries", &auxillaries); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "terminators", &terminators); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "articles", &articles); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "prepositions", &prepositions); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "grammar", &grammar); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "np", &np); read_dist (env_config (DIST_TAG, DIST_DFLT), "vp", &vp); } /* * generate a particular table */ void gen_tbl (int tnum, DSS_HUGE start, DSS_HUGE count, long upd_num) { static order_t o; supplier_t supp; customer_t cust; part_t part; code_t code; static int completed = 0; DSS_HUGE i; DSS_HUGE rows_per_segment=0; DSS_HUGE rows_this_segment=-1; DSS_HUGE residual_rows=0; if (insert_segments) { rows_per_segment = count / insert_segments; residual_rows = count - (rows_per_segment * insert_segments); } for (i = start; count; count--, i++) { LIFENOISE (1000, i); row_start(tnum); switch (tnum) { case LINE: case ORDER: case ORDER_LINE: mk_order (i, &o, upd_num % 10000); if (insert_segments && (upd_num > 0)) if((upd_num / 10000) < residual_rows) { if((++rows_this_segment) > rows_per_segment) { rows_this_segment=0; upd_num += 10000; } } else { if((++rows_this_segment) >= rows_per_segment) { rows_this_segment=0; upd_num += 10000; } } if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&o, upd_num); break; case SUPP: mk_supp (i, &supp); if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&supp, upd_num); break; case CUST: mk_cust (i, &cust); if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&cust, upd_num); break; case PSUPP: case PART: case PART_PSUPP: mk_part (i, &part); if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&part, upd_num); break; case NATION: mk_nation (i, &code); if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&code, 0); break; case REGION: mk_region (i, &code); if (set_seeds == 0) tdefs[tnum].loader(&code, 0); break; } row_stop(tnum); if (set_seeds && (i % tdefs[tnum].base) < 2) { printf("\nSeeds for %s at rowcount %ld\n", tdefs[tnum].comment, i); dump_seeds(tnum); } } completed |= 1 << tnum; } void usage (void) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n%s\n\t%s\n%s %s\n\n", "USAGE:", "dbgen [-{vf}][-T {pcsoPSOL}]", "[-s ][-C ][-S ]", "dbgen [-v] [-O m] [-s ]", "[-U ]"); fprintf (stderr, "Basic Options\n===========================\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-C -- separate data set into chunks (requires -S, default: 1)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-f -- force. Overwrite existing files\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-h -- display this message\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-q -- enable QUIET mode\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-s -- set Scale Factor (SF) to (default: 1) \n"); fprintf (stderr, "-S -- build the th step of the data/update set (used with -C or -U)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-U -- generate update sets\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-v -- enable VERBOSE mode\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\nAdvanced Options\n===========================\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-b -- load distributions for (default: dists.dss)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-d -- split deletes between files (requires -U)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-i -- split inserts between files (requires -U)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T c -- generate cutomers ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T l -- generate nation/region ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T L -- generate lineitem ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T n -- generate nation ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T o -- generate orders/lineitem ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T O -- generate orders ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T p -- generate parts/partsupp ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T P -- generate parts ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T r -- generate region ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T s -- generate suppliers ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "-T S -- generate partsupp ONLY\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\nTo generate the SF=1 (1GB), validation database population, use:\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\tdbgen -vf -s 1\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\nTo generate updates for a SF=1 (1GB), use:\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\tdbgen -v -U 1 -s 1\n"); } /* * int partial(int tbl, int s) -- generate the s-th part of the named tables data */ int partial (int tbl, int s) { DSS_HUGE rowcnt; DSS_HUGE extra; if (verbose > 0) { fprintf (stderr, "\tStarting to load stage %d of %d for %s...", s, children, tdefs[tbl].comment); } set_files (tbl, s); rowcnt = set_state(tbl, scale, children, s, &extra); if (s == children) gen_tbl (tbl, rowcnt * (s - 1) + 1, rowcnt + extra, upd_num); else gen_tbl (tbl, rowcnt * (s - 1) + 1, rowcnt, upd_num); if (verbose > 0) fprintf (stderr, "done.\n"); return (0); } void process_options (int count, char **vector) { int option; FILE *pF; while ((option = getopt (count, vector, "b:C:d:fi:hO:P:qs:S:T:U:v")) != -1) switch (option) { case 'b': /* load distributions from named file */ d_path = (char *)malloc((int)strlen(optarg) + 1); MALLOC_CHECK(d_path); strcpy(d_path, optarg); if ((pF = fopen(d_path, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid argument to -b"); exit(-1); } else fclose(pF); break; case 'C': children = atoi (optarg); break; case 'd': delete_segments = atoi (optarg); break; case 'f': /* blind overwrites; Force */ force = 1; break; case 'i': insert_segments = atoi (optarg); break; case 'q': /* all prompts disabled */ verbose = -1; break; case 's': /* scale by Percentage of base rowcount */ case 'P': /* for backward compatibility */ flt_scale = atof (optarg); if (flt_scale < MIN_SCALE) { int i; int int_scale; scale = 1; int_scale = (int)(1000 * flt_scale); for (i = PART; i < REGION; i++) { tdefs[i].base = (DSS_HUGE)(int_scale * tdefs[i].base)/1000; if (tdefs[i].base < 1) tdefs[i].base = 1; } } else scale = (long) flt_scale; if (scale > MAX_SCALE) { fprintf (stderr, "%s %5.0f %s\n\t%s\n\n", "NOTE: Data generation for scale factors >", MAX_SCALE, "GB is still in development,", "and is not yet supported.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Your resulting data set MAY NOT BE COMPLIANT!\n"); } break; case 'S': /* generate a particular STEP */ step = atoi (optarg); break; case 'U': /* generate flat files for update stream */ updates = atoi (optarg); break; case 'v': /* life noises enabled */ verbose = 1; break; case 'T': /* generate a specifc table */ switch (*optarg) { case 'c': /* generate customer ONLY */ table = 1 << CUST; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'L': /* generate lineitems ONLY */ table = 1 << LINE; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'l': /* generate code table ONLY */ table = 1 << NATION; table |= 1 << REGION; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'n': /* generate nation table ONLY */ table = 1 << NATION; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'O': /* generate orders ONLY */ table = 1 << ORDER; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'o': /* generate orders/lineitems ONLY */ table = 1 << ORDER_LINE; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'P': /* generate part ONLY */ table = 1 << PART; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'p': /* generate part/partsupp ONLY */ table = 1 << PART_PSUPP; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'r': /* generate region table ONLY */ table = 1 << REGION; bTableSet = 1; break; case 'S': /* generate partsupp ONLY */ table = 1 << PSUPP; bTableSet = 1; break; case 's': /* generate suppliers ONLY */ table = 1 << SUPP; bTableSet = 1; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown table name %s\n", optarg); usage (); exit (1); } break; case 'O': /* optional actions */ switch (tolower (*optarg)) { case 's': /* calibrate the RNG usage */ set_seeds = 1; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option name %s\n", optarg); usage (); exit (1); } break; default: printf ("ERROR: option '%c' unknown.\n", *(vector[optind] + 1)); case 'h': /* something unexpected */ fprintf (stderr, "%s Population Generator (Version %d.%d.%d build %d)\n", NAME, VERSION, RELEASE, PATCH, BUILD); fprintf (stderr, "Copyright %s %s\n", TPC, C_DATES); usage (); exit (1); } return; } void validate_options(void) { // DBGenOptions, 3.1 if (children != 1) { if (updates != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -C is not valid when generating updates\n"); exit(-1); } if (step == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -S must be specified when generating data in multiple chunks\n"); exit(-1); } } // DBGenOptions, 3.3 if (updates == 0) { if ((insert_segments != 0) || (delete_segments != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -d/-i are only valid when generating updates\n"); exit(-1); } } // DBGenOptions, 3.9 if (step != -1) { if ((children == 1) && (updates == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -S is only valid when generating data in multiple chunks or generating updates\n"); exit(-1); } } // DBGenOptions, 3.10 if (bTableSet && (updates != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -T not valid when generating updates\n"); exit(-1); } return; } /* * MAIN * * assumes the existance of getopt() to clean up the command * line handling */ int main (int ac, char **av) { DSS_HUGE i; table = (1 << CUST) | (1 << SUPP) | (1 << NATION) | (1 << REGION) | (1 << PART_PSUPP) | (1 << ORDER_LINE); force = 0; insert_segments=0; delete_segments=0; insert_orders_segment=0; insert_lineitem_segment=0; delete_segment=0; verbose = 0; set_seeds = 0; scale = 1; flt_scale = 1.0; updates = 0; step = -1; tdefs[ORDER].base *= ORDERS_PER_CUST; /* have to do this after init */ tdefs[LINE].base *= ORDERS_PER_CUST; /* have to do this after init */ tdefs[ORDER_LINE].base *= ORDERS_PER_CUST; /* have to do this after init */ children = 1; d_path = NULL; #ifdef NO_SUPPORT signal (SIGINT, exit); #endif /* NO_SUPPORT */ process_options (ac, av); validate_options(); #if (defined(WIN32)&&!defined(_POSIX_)) for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) { spawn_args[i] = malloc (((int)strlen (av[i]) + 1) * sizeof (char)); MALLOC_CHECK (spawn_args[i]); strcpy (spawn_args[i], av[i]); } spawn_args[ac] = NULL; #endif if (verbose >= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s Population Generator (Version %d.%d.%d)\n", NAME, VERSION, RELEASE, PATCH); fprintf (stderr, "Copyright %s %s\n", TPC, C_DATES); } load_dists (); #ifdef RNG_TEST for (i=0; i <= MAX_STREAM; i++) Seed[i].nCalls = 0; #endif /* have to do this after init */ tdefs[NATION].base = nations.count; tdefs[REGION].base = regions.count; /* * updates are never parallelized */ if (updates) { /* * set RNG to start generating rows beyond SF=scale */ set_state (ORDER, scale, 100, 101, &i); rowcnt = (int)(tdefs[ORDER_LINE].base / 10000 * scale * UPD_PCT); if (step > 0) { /* * adjust RNG for any prior update generation */ for (i=1; i < step; i++) { sd_order(0, rowcnt); sd_line(0, rowcnt); } upd_num = step - 1; } else upd_num = 0; while (upd_num < updates) { if (verbose > 0) fprintf (stderr, "Generating update pair #%d for %s", upd_num + 1, tdefs[ORDER_LINE].comment); insert_orders_segment=0; insert_lineitem_segment=0; delete_segment=0; minrow = upd_num * rowcnt + 1; gen_tbl (ORDER_LINE, minrow, rowcnt, upd_num + 1); if (verbose > 0) fprintf (stderr, "done.\n"); pr_drange (ORDER_LINE, minrow, rowcnt, upd_num + 1); upd_num++; } exit (0); } /** ** actual data generation section starts here **/ /* * traverse the tables, invoking the appropriate data generation routine for any to be built */ for (i = PART; i <= REGION; i++) if (table & (1 << i)) { if (children > 1 && i < NATION) { partial ((int)i, step); } else { minrow = 1; if (i < NATION) rowcnt = tdefs[i].base * scale; else rowcnt = tdefs[i].base; if (verbose > 0) fprintf (stderr, "Generating data for %s", tdefs[i].comment); gen_tbl ((int)i, minrow, rowcnt, upd_num); if (verbose > 0) fprintf (stderr, "done.\n"); } } return (0); }